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 How To Troubleshoot A Slow System Performance

It is very annoying when our system or laptop slows down and takes a longer time to respond. There can be several reasons behind this such as virus attacks, full storage and other factors. If you experience the slowness in your computer or sometimes it stops responding then it means that you may be experiencing system performance issue. There are few methods to detect the reason behind this. One of the procedures is mentioned below by the Dell support staff so that the users can easily resolve the issues.

You can make your system work faster by cleaning up the hard drive of temporary and other files. For this you have to follow the steps:

Deleting the Temporary Files & Directories:

1. On your system, click on the 'Start' button and in the search box type 'disk'. A menu will appear above the search box in which 'Disk Cleanup' will be written.

2. Run the Disc Cleanup and unnecessary temporarily files will be eliminated.

3. Here, you have to select the files which you want to delete. After selecting the file, click on the 'OK' button and start the cleanup process.
Uninstalling The Applications Which You No Longer Need:

1. Go to the 'Control Panel' and open the application 'Programs and Features'.

2. Now, you have to scan the list of applications available there which are no longer used.

3. Choose any of the application that you no longer use and click on the 'Uninstall' button. Follow the instructions to uninstall the application.

4. Repeat this step if you want to uninstall more applications.

5. Finally, empty the Recycle bin.
Note; Once you have deleted the files from the hard drive then you can defragment your drive to increase the performance of your system. For other help call Dell tech support number +61-283206005

The other thing you can try is to update your windows. Updating the windows will help you to increase the speed of the computer. No data is deleted while updating the windows. All the unnecessary and unwanted files remove from the system after updating it.

Read Dell Another blog here : Problem of Slow Running Dell Laptop

Dell Laptop  support Australia

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